First off, welcome to my photography website. I began photography in 1995/1996 which was my senior year in high school. During that year I learned to process my own black and white film and print black and white prints in the darkroom. I really enjoyed the class but soon after the year was over I put the camera down and focused on other things.

During college I  remembered how I enjoyed photography and developing my own film. I decided to take more photography classes so I could continue doing what I remembered enjoying. The college I attended created a degree program in photography after the first semester that I took a photography course, and I decided to pursue that. During those years I continued to process my own black and white film, print black and white prints, and mount and matte my  own prints. I also learned how to scan negatives and work with Adobe Photoshop to post process images digitally. In 2001 I received an Associate Degree in Fine Art Photography and Digital Imaging.

Shortly after college I decided to dive into digital photography and purchased my first digital camera which was a 6 megapixel Canon D60 DSLR. In 2005 I started my own part time photography business and took on any business I could get. My favorite subjects to shoot were high school seniors, weddings, musicians, actors, actresses, and work on model portfolios. During 2012 burnout set in. I ended up selling all of my digital photography gear and studio equipment.

After several months I got an itch to start shooting again. I had a couple of old film cameras. One was a Canon Elan 7e and the other a Bronica ETRS from the 80’s that was my dad’s. I started shooting film again. It felt great. I was back to my roots in photography. It seemed like a whole new world of photographic opportunities again. Then, in 2015 I came across a process of developing film with instant coffee. I decided to try that and now I am hooked.

Most images on this site are shot with film. Some are digital. Both film and digital sensors are just tools that I use to create images and prints that I enjoy sharing with others. I prefer film, but one is not necessarily “better” than the other. Feel free to follow my blog and comment with your thoughts and opinions. Feel free to contact me so we can talk photography.

Peace and blessings!