This blog post is a little late, but better late than never, right? So during the months of Feb I decided to shoot with a Holga 120N for the 52 rolls project I am doing this year.


The Holga is an all plastic camera with a plastic lens. There is one shutter speed that is said to be around 1/100th or 1/125 of a second. The more one uses the Holga and the more “wear” it gets the shutter speed is said to slow down. There is a bulb setting in which gives the camera the ability to take it light as long as the shutter button is held down. As soon as you let go of the shutter button the shutter closes.


There are two settings on the camera which are “sunny” and “cloudy”. This is said to control the aperture to a degree. The aperture is to be around F8 and F11.


The only other controls one has with the camera are the manual focus and the types of film one uses with the camera. The focusing ring is based on zone focusing in which there are 4 icons to align the lens up with. Since the lens is all plastic it gives the images somewhat of a dreamy look.


What I love about shooting with the Holga is the fact that there are limited features to have to worry about. You pretty much load the film and shoot away. I really enjoy the minimalistic style of the Holga and the images one can  get from these cameras are rather interesting in my opinion.